CJIB awards a framework agreement to CIMSOLUTIONS for the hiring of ICT professionals

Aug 23, 2023 4 mins read

The CJIB (Central Judicial Collection Agency), a key governmental institution responsible for the collection of fines and penalties, has recently awarded a significant framework agreement to CIMSOLUTIONS, a renowned IT services company. This agreement marks a significant development in the realm of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the CJIB.


The Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB) in Leeuwarden has awarded a framework agreement to CIMSOLUTIONS for the hiring of ICT professionals. CIMSOLUTIONS, in consortium with subcontractors Brunel, Enshore and Verdonck, Klooster & Associates, is CJIB's preferred supplier for the next four years. In addition to the award to CIMSOLUTIONS, 6 other parties have been awarded. The agreement will take effect on October 1, 2021, has an estimated total value of € 58,000,000 and a maximum term of four years.

Cjib Logo
This concerns the hiring of temporary positions of, among others, the following profiles: data analyst, test analyst, java engineer, cloud engineer and information analyst.

Moynul Hossain, CEO of CIMSOLUTIONS, says: “We are very proud of the result achieved. I look forward to continuing the pleasant cooperation. It is the first time that we have become a preferred supplier of CJIB, after having deployed ICT professionals at CJIB for 8 years. CJIB offers us interesting assignments because we work with state-of-the-art applications and bundles of applications and there is a great demand for T-shaped ICT professionals. CIMSOLUTIONS is happy to help the CJIB again in the coming four years by offering great solutions that benefit the business and that enable the CJIB to perform its tasks even better.”

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